I am lucky enough to live a few doors from the beautiful Grandiflora florist in Potts Point. It is a never ending hive of activity…..flowers arriving by the truck load……magnificent bunches of flowers being whisked into taxis for delivery !!!! Cars pulling in to collect all manner of fabulous floral arrangements….my mind wanders….who might they be for…..or what grand occasion could it all be part of.
There is something rather gorgeous about someone carrying a beautifully wrapped bunch of flowers…they seem to glow…literally armloads of flowers…..wouldn’t I love it if they were for me….how romantic flowers are !!!
I think that what sets Grandiflora apart….is the exotic nature of not only the flowers and everything that goes with them….buds..pods etc ……..but also the arrangements.
Their windows in fact are an art form……almost an installation….sometimes even spilling out onto the footpath !!!! which I love.
All so very enticing.